One of our largest renovation projects, the Rose Bowl project included our producing custom cut metal letters and cast bronze plaques, which were in-ground installed at the entrance to the stadium. In addition, we also created a 20 foot by 14 foot hand-sculpted bas-relief for the entrance-wall of the stadium. Our sculptor designed and prepared the project for “lost wax process” at our Western States art foundry. Assembled and attached in sections, it was certainly one of the largest sculpted wall portraits we’ve produced. Surrounding the “First Game” wall sculpt, you’ll see our “Court of Champions” plaques. We re-finished the older ones, being historical castings, and recast some damaged plaques. We then cast the more recent game plaques.
Remember that your projects can be built on various materials and processes. Each type of material offers different features, such as exterior longevity, or the ability to hold high-detailed images. Longevity is usually the tradeoff. But there are materials, like our Full-Color Porcelain Tiles, that can both hold highly accurate reproductions of your images, while being color-fast even with placed in direct sunlight. Let Sterling Cast Bronze assist you in choosing the optimal materials and processes for your project.